The Order for True Transformation

Gen.1.2 - The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.

Gen.1.3 - Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

The earth was in an abysmal place, void and full of darkness and God was about to begin a work of transformation. He wanted to produce beauty out of a terrible thing, wanted to bring order out of chaos, he wanted to bring meaning out of emptiness. The first thing he did in this process was to introduce light. He brooded over the earth, with an aim to create a masterpiece, the first step? An introduction of light.

Why Light? What is light? We will recall if we take a look at the new testament that God is light, that Christ is the light from God and the brightness of his glory(2Cor 4:6). This means that for God to transform the earth,  and create order out of beauty, he first introduced himself, he first introduced Christ.

That was the first step for transformation. Today, we want to change several people, transform their lives, change their area and situations, but we neglect the first step. We must introduce light and Christ first, men must first be brought out of darkness into light, out of emptiness into meaning. Only upon this can real transformation occur. Anything other than this will be short of divine and will pass for mere beautification or rearrangement but not transformation. The Order for true transformation begins with the introduction of God and Christ.

This also applies to situations in our lives that are disordered and in darkness, the first thing to do is to introduce light. To introduce light will be to introduce what Christ has done or said concerning that situation and then begin to build on that foundation. Only then can we see true transformation.

Transformation occurs first and foremostly in the introduction of the light of God; Christ.


Tags: christianity transformation
Categories: Christianity

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